Insurance Claims Investigations

Worker’s Compensation  –  Personal Injury – Auto Accident  – Assigned Claims

Jane Doe Investigations® has a dedicated insurance claims investigation team that investigates worker’s compensation injuries,  auto accidents injuries, personal injury claims,  and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) auto insurance claims made through the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan (MACP) and their contracted insurance carriers.

Our comprehensive insurance claims investigations can include:

  • Alive and well check
  • Order-of-Priority
  • Covert Surveillance
  • Vehicle Ownership
  • On-Site Location Evaluation
  • Involved Party interviews
  • Insurance Canvasses
  • Medical Canvasses
  • Medical Treatment
  • Attendant Care
  • Replacement Services
  • Constructive Ownership
  • Permissive Use
  • Claimed Injuries
  • Medical Insurance
  • Claimant/Attorney interviews
  • Insurance Canvass of MI’s Top 20 Insurance Companies – when appropriate

Clients receive an easy to read comprehensive report which separately addresses the investigative findings in each area of the claim along with all obtained case documentation, photographs, written statements and video.

Call us at (800) 621-7445 to have a confidential conversation at no charge!  If you prefer, click the button below and drop us a confidential message with your questions.
* For the quickest and most complete response, please include your e-mail address in the form below.

Cell Phone Forensics

Cell phones serve as more than just communication devices, they are also powerful computers that retain our entire history of texts, searches, and personal preferences. The forensic analysis of these devices can yield valuable evidence from various sources such as messages, notes, Wi-Fi connections, videos, Bluetooth devices, and email accounts, among others. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to engage the services of a highly skilled and up-to-date digital forensic examiner when such evidence is to be presented in court.