License plates, backgrounds and searches…Oh My

JDI started in 2014 and has grown to over 20 employees who have worked over 2000 cases in areas such as Insurance Fraud, Worker’s Compensation, Child Custody, Divorce and Domestic Relations.

Our support team is a highly experienced group of people who maintain the operational veracity of JDI and provide the information backbone that allows our investigators to efficiently work their assigned investigations.  From researching names, addresses and backgrounds to proof reading and putting the final touches on investigative reports, each member of our office team has the knowledge, experience, training and heart to produce the best possible result and product for each and every client.

Finding what we don’t know exists, each and every day.

Testimonials & Featured Clients

Aliquam vehicula nunc facilisis tincidunt feugiat. Pellentesque sed viverra nisi. Fusce et laoreet augue. Quisque pretium, felis at volutpat rhoncus, ligula lectus semper urna.

Jhon Smith, Insurance/PrivateCompany/Individual

Duis tristique pretium nunc, eget imperdiet tortor auctor et. Mauris porttitor mollis metus at sollicitudin. Etiam id bibendum ipsum. Proin molestie, velit eget euismod rhoncus.

Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem.

Thomson Polan, CEO @ Caramal Digital Studio

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