Jane Doe Investigations® takes your privacy concerns seriously, that’s why we offer electronic countermeasures using experts in the field who care about your security. With no request being too big or too small, from searching a home office to an office building our experts have the skills and experience you need to ensure your privacy remains intact. Cameras are becoming smaller, cheaper, more advanced and have become a serious threat to institutions with locker rooms, restrooms and examination rooms.
Our examiners are all former FBI Agents who have performed hundreds of Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) inspections and will search your location to locate hidden cameras and microphones of all types using sophisticated equipment to scan for wireless signals, cell phones, lenses, thermal heat signatures and electronic components, followed up with a thorough physical search of the immediate and surrounding premises.
Our experience has shown that most hidden cameras were installed by insiders, coaches, teachers, clergy, doctors and most common, custodial staff. Unauthorized hidden cameras installed in sensitive areas have become a huge security issue that not only compromises sensitive data but opens employers, landlords and other persons in positions of authority to scrutiny and litigation.
Camera only inspections are commonly requested for:
- Schools
- Athletic facilities
- Camps
- Exam rooms
- Churches
- Retail restroom and changing rooms and
- Day care facilities
We are uniquely qualified to protect your privacy and your assets with our combination of technical expertise, experience and cutting edge equipment.
Call us at (800) 621-7445 to have a confidential conversation at no charge! If you prefer, click the button below and drop us a confidential message with your questions.
* For the quickest and most complete response, please include your e-mail address in the form below.

Cell Phone Forensics
Cell phones serve as more than just communication devices, they are also powerful computers that retain our entire history of texts, searches, and personal preferences. The forensic analysis of these devices can yield valuable evidence from various sources such as messages, notes, Wi-Fi connections, videos, Bluetooth devices, and email accounts, among others. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to engage the services of a highly skilled and up-to-date digital forensic examiner when such evidence is to be presented in court.