Accident Reconstruction

Experts in the Field

Each day across the United States, people and vehicles react unexpectedly, causing thousands of accidents. For accidents that result in injury or death, it is imperative to discover why the accident occurred.  Police may investigate the accident to determine if criminality exists.  Engineers may investigate the crash to help determine future changes to equipment and materials.  JDI will investigate the crash for you using collision analysis and causation, Event Data Recorder technology (Black Box), forensic and crime scene mapping and 3D animation, as well as additional up to date technologies to answer the “why”. Aside from uses in litigation, simply knowing why a traffic crash happened can bring a sense of closure.  Jane Doe will also investigate vehicle ownership, maintenance and operational procedures for all vehicles and equipment involved.

Commercial Vehicle Crash Investigations

The principles used for standard automobile crashes differ from those of commercial vehicles, and the mere braking nomenclature alone is a critical component in understanding and identifying some of the many contributing factors involved in these often-catastrophic events.


Event Data Recorder Technology

Our experts will either travel to the vehicle or a module can be sent to our lab for data imaging. The data extracted will then be combined with other evidence and, with the use of scientific principle, reconciliation between a scientific analysis and the data report will be made.

Forensic and Crime Scene Mapping

With the use of electronic survey equipment, our experts create stunning 3D animations from measurements of physical evidence taken from the crash scene.


Collision Analysis

Understanding the dynamics involved in a vehicle crash is paramount in reconstructing the event.

Call us at (800) 621-7445 to have a confidential conversation at no charge!  If you prefer, click the button below and drop us a confidential message with your questions.
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Cell Phone Forensics

Cell phones serve as more than just communication devices, they are also powerful computers that retain our entire history of texts, searches, and personal preferences. The forensic analysis of these devices can yield valuable evidence from various sources such as messages, notes, Wi-Fi connections, videos, Bluetooth devices, and email accounts, among others. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to engage the services of a highly skilled and up-to-date digital forensic examiner when such evidence is to be presented in court.